Host A Mueller Testimony Watching Party This Wednesday, 7/24 at 8:30am

Sam Utne
3 min readJul 22, 2019


Whether you believe it is rooted on the left or the right, ‘Fake News’ exists. Which is why original source matters.

Robert Mueller will testify before Congress Wednesday, July 24th, 2019 at 8:30am. Watch it here.

Have you read the Mueller Report? If so, what do you think? Not what does someone tell you to think; what do YOU think?

I don’t want my politicians to talk to your politicians; I want to speak with you.

When a President can Tweet directly at 62 million followers, when half the population relies on conservative media for news while the other half consumes only liberal media, and when most politicians care more about ‘optical’ politics than representing the good of the people — we are inhabiting two different realities. If liberal politicians and media are saying one thing while conservatives say something entirely different, ORIGINAL SOURCE MATTERS!

Mueller has insisted he will not testify to anything that is not already in his report which means we’re going to be sticking pretty close to the original source. If you want the truth, if you want this bickering to be over, if you want the people who represent us to put aside their arguing and start working on making our lives better, this is an opportunity to get your information directly. For that matter, this applies to anyone who wants to live in the US, to anyone who lives in the US, and to anyone who lives in a world where the US exists.

Let’s make it a party and watch Mueller‘s testimony together this Wednesday, July 24th, at 8:30am.

We all know that more people see the movie than read the book. This one looks like it’s going to be good. And we get to watch it LIVE! And together!! It’s like the Super Bowl, the World Cup, or the Olympics.

Better yet, consider hosting a watching party. If you want to join me, I’ll be hosting a viewing/coworking party in Brooklyn(grab your spot here). Bring your computer, headphones (if you need to check out here and there), notebook, or whatever non-noisy activity you have to work on. Or just come watch. Please consider getting coffee or lunch (not required) as a way to thank 61 Local (the restaurant) for providing their beautiful private event room.

A healthy democracy requires active participation. So call a restaurant or bar and ask if they can host it. Ask your employer to screen it and allow employees to watch. Just watch it! I’d suggest turning it off soon as it ends and don’t listen to pundits. Make up your own mind. Our representatives respond to us but we need to be informed and tell them what we think.

I’d love to know what you think AFTER you read the report, listen to the audio, OR watch Mueller’s testimony THIS WEDNESDAY, July 24th at 8:30am. Or join me! You can view it pretty much anywhere but here is a link.

Tell me how it went and what you think here. And this probably goes without saying, but can we keep this civil?

You’re awesome for reading this far!

With sincere respect,

PS- Extra credit for preparation: I found this recording which I think is really good because there is no added commentary or analysis to color your opinion. They read the text word for word including identifying where there are redactions, how long they are, and the stated reason for each redaction. But, if listening to 12+ hours of audio is a bit too time-consuming (which I totally understand), here are a few sections I feel are particularly relevant. It cuts your listening time down to about three hours which I know is still long but it’s better than 12 hours.



Sam Utne

Cofounder | Strategy & Creative @MadcapFactory. I design, build, launch, and manage live event series & playful experiences to help brands engage communities.